Miss Ojuloge Beauty Pageant Registeration is on...

Miss Ojuloge is a cultural and Non bikini pageant that was founded as a result of the need to promote our cultural values through modern age fashion, to seek global advancement for Nigerian women in the society and to change the upbringing of the new generation by raising girls who would rather find fulfillment in being the best version of themselves than just ending up with a man. So Registration is on for Miss Ojuloge Beauty Pageant 2017!!!!!! ........................................How to register: Pay the sum of #5000 into Jumade Entertainment Keystone acct 1006893304 afterwards send your Name,age,location and your 5x7 picture to Ojulogeibadan@gmail.com --/---------------------------- This is an opportunity to be a beauty Queen,All expense paid trip to Ghana 🇬ðŸ‡, lead role in a movie,opportunity to become a tv presenter and media tour, modeling contract and magazine cover and some other amazing and consolation prizes to be won. ------------------////...