Exclusive With MC Jummyflex........!!!

CAN WE MEET YOU? I'm Jumobi Bamgbose aka as Mc jummyflex. i am from lagos state (lagos island) to be precised. Also i'm an actor,host,mc and avstand up comedian, Lover of Christ and loved by all. HOW WAS YOUR UPBRINGING LIKE? I'm from a family of (six ) 5males and one female,second to the last of the family though. My dad is a retired clergy and my mum was a trader. It wasn't easy growing up in the midst of able bodied men but at the same was fun, my brothers use to beat the hell out of me while we were growing up cause i was quite stubborn(that can happen to anyone lol). Grew up in various part of nigeria Lagos,ogun and ondo. Attended cabataf international schools in ondo state proceed to a...