51 things every woman should know

  • Her Minimums and Maximums. Those things that she is committed to never allowing herself to accept. The point at which she will not go any lower. The level at which she will not push any further. Also, how far she is prepared to go if need be.
  • When it’s time to say NO. Understanding when that is the only answer you can offer and accepting it’s okay to say it.
  • When to break away and move on. This may mean severing ties with a girlfriend, lover, family member, a crippling job, and bad habits.
  • What she weighs. Bite the bullet and get on those weighing scales. Know what you are dealing with and face up to it.
  • What her blood pressure reads. Too many of us are walking time bombs, not having a clue of what is ticking inside of us. Go and get things checked out even if it’s only to be reassured and if not, to do something about it.
  • When she took her last smear test. Stop postponing it and ignoring going for the test. Don’t let it cost you!
  • Make sure she gets a mammography at the appropriate times
  • Who the biological father/fathers of her child/children is/are.
  • When she needs to seek help and whom she can go to.
  • Her man inside/out. She should be able to read him like a book. Study him and be an expert on him. Knowledge is power.
  • How and when to get angry.
  • How and when to be graceful, gracious, intelligent and to show wisdom.
  • How to surround yourself with the things and people you love and who love you. Too often we crowd our personal space with people who are unworthy of us, which results in us feeling unworthy ourselves. Great secrets of life: Find good work and people to love, focus on the positives, and appreciate small things — Mary Pipher
  • How to be rid of the guilt that robs you of looking after yourself.
  • Know and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses — Marie de Vichy-Chamrond.
  • How to be kind and generous in spirit to other women. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others? — Martin Luther King.
  • What her actual dress size is. It is what it is!
  • How her body functions.
  • What gives her pleasure and how to go about getting it.
  • What makes her feel fulfilled and secure and making this a priority.
  • What enhances her self- esteem and making this a constant in her life.
  • Where she needs to go for peace … physically and spiritually and making sure she always has access to this place at the drop of a hat.
  • What your potential can be, and striving to get there.
  • How to survive your family and how to get the most out of them.
  • When you need to change your doctor.
  • That most men are not bothered about those extra pounds we carry around so we should stop worrying about it.
  • The true state of her health.
  • How to be a woman. Not a psuedo-man. To be the strong, spiritual, proud (not vain) goddess nature intended her to be. She should know the essence of who she is. Not who she is expected to be or who she fantasises being. It is more than likely she is already a shinning beacon and can go on to build on this.
One is not born a woman, one becomes one. ­— Simone de Beauvoir.Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best — Henry Van Dyke.
Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen. — Compton Mackenzie.
I would rather trust a woman’s instinct than a man’s reason — Stanley Baldwin.
If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning — Aristotle Onassis.
Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little — Samuel Jackson.
The state of her mental health and what can affect it for the best or worst.
To make sure she has a ‘go to person or people.’
When she is wrong and the ability to admit to it.
What makes her laugh and make sure she looks to build on those things.
That supporting and enhancing the lives of other women is her responsibility to her gender.
No one can represent, celebrate or debase her gender, her femininity better or more than her.
If she wants to be right or happy in her marriage/relationship; pick her battles wisely.
How to be comfortable with looking at her herself and loving what she sees.
To know that she is good enough just as she is.
That she DOES not have to accept physical, psychological, emotional abuse from any man or his family just because she is married to him.
That she still has a possibility and the right to live a happy life even if she has to leave an abusive relationship or an unhealthy marriage.
That there is more to just bearing the title of MRS.
That she is entrusted and responsible to raising sons who respect women!
Work hard at understanding and supporting your mental health.
Learn some form of meditation, affirmation and practice daily even for five minutes.
Don’t allow people you don’t like or who make you feel uncomfortable to encroach on your space.
If you are unhappy about something, stop complaining about it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Treat your body with respect.
Older women need to accept their age with grace.
Learn to enjoy and cherish your own company.
Learn to manage your finances; stay on top of it.
It takes a village to raise a child.
It’s better to have just one good, close friend than several who really don’t understand you.

High heart rate linked to anxiety disorders

Dr. Antti Latvala of the University of Helsinki in Finland, and co-authors included several potential factors that may influence the outcome of the results, including physical, cognitive, and socioeconomic factors. They included height, weight, and body mass index, due to their potential association with both cardiovascular functioning and the risk for mental disorders.
The data were adjusted for general cognitive ability, because, according to the study authors, IQ is associated with psychiatric morbidity, although its association with resting heart beat and blood pressure is unknown.
Research results – published online in JAMA Psychiatry – show that male teenagers who had a resting heart rate above 82 beats per minute had a 69 per cent increased risk of developing obsessive-compulsive behaviour, compared with male teenagers with a resting heart rate below 62 beats per minute.
Similarly, compared with males in the lower heart rate category, men in the higher heart rate category had a 21 per cent increased risk for schizophrenia and an 18 per cent greater risk for anxiety. In contrast, teenage males with a lower resting heartbeat were linked to substance use disorders and violent convictions, particularly after adjusting for physical fitness.
The study authors reported similar associations for OCD, schizophrenia, anxiety, substance use disorders, and violence with higher and lower blood pressure readings.
“In this large-scale longitudinal cohort study, we found men with higher resting heart rate and higher blood pressure in late adolescence to be more likely to have received a diagnosis of OCD, schizophrenia, or anxiety disorder later in life,” say the authors.
The strongest associations were seen with OCD, with men in the higher resting heart rate category 70-80 per cent more likely to be at risk than men in the lower category. Correspondingly, men in the highest blood pressure category had a 30-40 per cent greater risk for OCD than men in the lowest blood pressure category.
“Our findings are novel; there are no previous prospective studies linking these cardiovascular measures to subsequent OCD, schizophrenia, or anxiety disorders,” the researchers note. However, they say that their findings cannot establish cause and effect.
The researchers point out that the data included were for men; therefore, it is uncertain whether the same results would be seen in women.
“Compared with men, women have a higher heart rate but show relatively greater parasympathetic control of the heart,” note the authors. “While these differences are poorly understood, they imply that associations between resting heart rate and psychiatric disorders may be different in men and women.”
Culled from MNT


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